Reaching the top of Church Street, turn left into Queen Street and cross the road to the Filey Museum. The museum, which was originally two single-storey thatched cottages, was built in 1696 and is the oldest domestic building in Filey. It retains the original basic layout of rooms, each one dedicated to a different aspect of local life and work which was common place in Filey until comparatively recent times.

The Filey Room contains a wealth of bygones and ephemera of local interest. There is a Sea Shore Room, a gansey knitting display, a room containing domestic equipment and tools relating to rural craft, a Victorian Room and a Lifeboat Room and the Fisher collection of photographs that records daily life in Filey and the surrounding area. Outside is a sheltered garden containing many items of interest including the Bait House where a couple can be seen skeining mussels and baiting lines for winter fishing.

Filey Museum